Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 30: Time Speeds Up

It amazes me to think that in only three days I am going to be hauling my luggage back down the tiny staircase of my walk-up building and hailing a cab to La Guardia. In many ways, I feel like I haven't had a moment to sit in New York and simply exist here. But I've never really been great at sitting still anyway, so I won't complain. I have been catching up with old friends, visiting all sorts of different Manhattan neighborhoods, and eating, eating, eating! I will have so many memories to take home with me from these five weeks in New York.

Today I am going to be meeting up with at least one, and possibly two, friends from my time in Argentina. Nicole, who I am definitely seeing, was one of my closer friends from study abroad, but we lost touch once back in the states and haven't seen one another since. It has been four years. Four. I can't even comprehend that it has been so long since I called Buenos Aires home. My memories of that place, and the people I knew there, are still so vivid and feel so recent. I'm sure I am in for an evening of reminiscing.

Well, one thing never changes about weekdays in New York: I have to go to work. More later!

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